optimum seeking method

英 [ˈɒptɪməm ˈsiːkɪŋ ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈɑːptɪməm ˈsiːkɪŋ ˈmeθəd]




  1. The computer program is made by optimum seeking method.
  2. Besides, the interference of nickel can be eliminated by calculations and it can use optimum seeking method to optimize all kinds of determination conditions.
  3. Venture Evaluation and Optimum Seeking Method for Investment on High Technology Projects
  4. Comprehensive optimum seeking method according to the entropy for Deep Foundation Pits Supporting Scheme
  5. In this paper, basing on the maneuvering mathematical model, we consider the influence of environments, then choose the optimum rudders shifting time by the use of optimum seeking method.
  6. On the basis of the features of Ertan reservoir in Feixianguan TM, the paper researches the optimum seeking method of temporary plugging agent by using core flow experiment.
  7. The optimum seeking method is the shortest way of leading to the plans of production and scientific research.
  8. The application of the optimum seeking method on test of hydraulic pressure in pipeline
  9. This paper puts forward two methods the method of exhaustion and the optimum seeking method, and shows the precision, influence factor, reliability and efficiency of the two methods. It is expected that searching for the critical slip surface would be quick and accurate.
  10. In this article, the smooth coefficient is resolved with 0.618 optimum seeking method, and the forecasting accuracy and. reliability of the exponent smooth method is reised.
  11. According to the features and technology requirements of intelligence and integration in intelligent management system ( IMS), this paper researchs four key technique problems extensive management model, inspiring optimum seeking method, multiple cooperative software and intelligent interface, That solving rule of problem-oriented.
  12. Introducing how to optimize craft's project using Fuzzy Optimum Seeking Method.
  13. Study on Synthesize Optimum Seeking Method of Hydraulic Servo System Design
  14. For this purpose, the authors make a thorough discussion on the objective functions, design variables, constraint conditions and the optimum seeking method. Optimum seeking procedure for a 4.2 meter stroke pumping unit is presented as an example.
  15. The algorithm can overcome the shortcomings of the seeking method of initial value of the clustering center of SCA algorithm, and gives a method of combining maximum frequency degree with maximizing minimum discrepancy, that is an optimum seeking method of initial value of clustering center.
  16. Dynamic analysis of index weight for optimum seeking method of mining programs
  17. Study on single peak function optimum seeking method of physical experiment
  18. OBJECTIVE To compare the two different analysis methods direct analysis and regression analysis in optimum seeking method.
  19. Application of Optimum Seeking Method and Orthogonal Test in Selecting Optimum Conditions for Waste Water Treatment
  20. Choice Test Rate of Inductance and Capacity of Voltage ─ Regulated Inverte by Optimum Seeking Method
  21. Model of Fuzzy Geometric Programming in Economical Power Supply Radius and Optimum Seeking Method
  22. Combining the features of modern air defence combat deployment, the enemy ′ s and our situations analyzing is discussed in this paper and the corresponding analyzing models are established by applying mathematics means such as multi-indicatrix fuzzy optimum seeking method, fuzzy synthetic evaluation method and AHP etc.
  23. Application of Optimum Seeking Method in the Trial Rolling-Expanding Process of Automotive Gears
  24. Multiple-objective optimal problem is converted into simple objective optimization by using the fuzzy optimum seeking method.
  25. Based on the combination of genetic algorithms and orthogonal optimum seeking method, along with the modification of the width of the radial basis function ( RBF) a novel nonlinear dynamic system modeling approach is proposed to correctly determine the centers of the RBF.
  26. The undetermined coefficient of the model is selected by using the orthogonal optimum seeking method, thereby the quantitative relation of the model is determined.
  27. In the light of shortcomings of the current evaluation, the supplier is completely, synthetical and systematically analysed by the fuzzy optimum seeking method. Multiple-objective optimal problem is converted into simple objective optimization by using the fuzzy optimum seeking method.
  28. Depending on industrial production historical date, rate constant of steady-state model was fitted by random optimum seeking method.
  29. To solve these problems, the fuzzy iterative method and fuzzy neural networks comprehensive optimum seeking method for multiattribute decision making problems are established.
  30. Under the premise of getting the initial tone frequency by delay-phase multiplication, this paper combine optimum seeking method and the fractional Fourier transform to improve the precision of parameter estimation and reduce the amount of search operation.